ZGG15-385(3+1)Tr Modular Power Supply SPD

Product code :

The ZGG15-385(3+1)Tr Modular Power Supply SPD is used for primary surge protection, and is composed of MOV and GDT power module for L-N, N-PE protection respectively. It is applied in low voltage AC power distribution system, and connected between the AC power supply and the equipment in parallel. It can prevent the equipment from the impulse surge and the transient overvoltage caused by the outside environment (such as lightning, EMI, etc.) or by the system (such as switching effects of the system, startup or shutoff of the inductance and capacitance load, etc.).

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ZGG15-385(3+1)Tr Modular Power Supply SPD

The ZGG15-385(3+1)Tr Modular Power Supply SPD is used for primary surge protection, and is composed of MOV and GDT power module for L-N, N-PE protection respectively. It is applied in low voltage AC power distribution system, and connected between the AC power supply and the equipment in parallel. It can prevent the equipment from the impulse surge and the transient overvoltage caused by the outside environment (such as lightning, EMI, etc.) or by the system (such as switching effects of the system, startup or shutoff of the inductance and capacitance load, etc.).


Standards Complied                                                                               
IEC 61643-1:2005 Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage distribution systems-Part 1: Performance requirements and testing methods
GB 18802.1-2011 Low-voltage surge protective devices- Part 1: Surge protective devices connected to low-voltage power distribution systems- Requirements and tests
YD/T 1235.1-2002 Technical requirements for surge protective devices connected to low-voltage distribution systems of telecommunication stations/sites
YD/T 1235.2-2002 Testing methods for surge protective devices connected to low-voltage distribution systems of telecommunication stations/sites

Technical Data

Protection mode L-N N-PE
Max. continuous operating voltage  Uc  385 V 255 V
Nominal discharge current In(8/20μs) 30 kA 100 kA
Impulse discharge current Iimp(10/350μs) 15 kA 60 kA
Voltage protection level  Up  2.1 kV 2.5 kV
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi  / 100 Arms
Degree of protection (IP code) IP 20
Installation system TN、TT
Mounting on DIN 35 mm rail





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